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Travels in the Island of Cyprus
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INDEX Abdali, 35 Abu Bekr, 153 Acherito, 73 Acroteri, 84 Acte Argivorum (Acanthou), 53 Ajem Ali Agha, 79, 152 Alai bey, 9 Amasis, 24 Amathus, 82 Amianthus, 13, 91 Ammochostos (Maghousa, Famagusta), 62 Anglisides, 91 Arab, St (Turabi Tekye or St Ther- apon), 33 Aradippou, 37 Archbishop, Latin, 40 ,, Orthodox, 7,44,71,134 Ariston, St, 70 Armenians, 3, 44, 77 Arpera, 19, 32 Arsinoe, 62 Asp, 14, 154 ff. Athene (Athiainou), 38 Avdimou, 85 Baglione, Α., 64, 179, 184, 187 Baptism, 18 Barley, 121 Barnabas, St, 71 Basilopotamos, 81 Beauregard, M. de, 148 Beccafichi, 13 Berat, 128, 135 Bills of Exchange, 124 „ of Health, 133, 139 Birds, 13 Bragadino, Μ. Α., 63, 64, 179,187 ff. Bragadino, Andrea, 178, 188 Bridget, St, 65 Buffavento, 58 Building, 30 Calepio, Α., 165 Calogeroi, 58, 90 Calopsida, 90 Camel's hair, 123 Cappuccini, 29 Carlotta, Queen, 2, 51 Carobs, 122 " Carpas, 71 Cazaphani, 56 Cerines, 50 ff. Chancellors of Consulates, 135 Chil Osman, 94 ff. Choqadar, 7 Chrysochou, 87 Chrysostom, St, 57 Cicco, Monastery (Kykkos), 90 Cicerbita, 156 Cimon, 24 Circumcision, 45 Citerea (Kythraia), 60 Citium, 22 ff., 158 ff. Clémente, St, Spring of, 170 Cleoboulos, 70 Cloth, 119, 124 Cochineal, 118 Coins, 124 Colocynth, 116 Colosse, 84 Commanderia, 114 Compliments, 130 Consuls, 20, 31, 32, 126 ff. Contarini, G. P., 164, 169-175 Conuclia (Kouklia), 85 Cornaro, Queen Cat., 145 Costa, King, 69 Cotton, III ff. Courts, 8 Croce, St, 91 ff. Curium, 84 Curtunia, il Cythera, 85 Dades, Cape, 159 Dervishes, 34 Diamonds (Paphos), 12 Dicomo, 49 Digdaban, 32, 131, 132 Disdar, 17

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