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Travels in the Island of Cyprus
page 196

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NAMES OF CAPTAINS ENSLAVED. Count Ercole Martinengo, with Giulio Cesar Ghelfo, a Brescian soldier. Count Nestor Martinengo, escaped. Cap. Marco Crivellatore. Sig. Ercole Malatista. Cap. Pier, Count of Montalberto. Cap. Oratio, of Veletri. Cap. Aluigi Pezano. Count Jacobo della Corbara. Cap. Giouan d' Istria. Cap. Soldatello, of Agubio. Cap. Giouan, of Ascoli. Cap. Antonio, of Ascoli. Cap. Bastian, of Ascoli. Cap. Salgano, of Città di Castello. Cap. Marquess of Fermo. Cap. Gio. Antonio, of Piacenza. Cap. Carletto Naldo. Cap. Lorenzo Fornaretti. Cap. Bernardo, of Brescia. Cap. Bernardino Coco. Cap. Simone Bagnese, who succeeded Cap. David Noce. Cap. Tiberio Ceruto, who succeeded Count Sigismondo. Ca. Gioseppe, of Lanciano, who succeeded Cap. Fr. Tron cavilla. Cap. Morgante, who succeeded Ca. Annibale. The Lieutenant who succeeded Cap. Scipione. The Ensign who succeeded Cap. R. Malvetio. Cap. Ottavio, of Rimini, who succeeded Cap. Fr. Bugon. Cap. Mario, of Fabiano, who succeeded Cap. Jacomo. Cap. Francesco, of Venice, who succeeded Cap. Antonio. Cap. Matteo, of Capua. c. M. т. 13 The Siege of Famagusta 193

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