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Travels in the Island of Cyprus
page 110 View PDF version of this page town of Salines, evacuated it, and retired to their fortified lines before Nicosia. On the 30th Kior Mohammad Pasha landed, and went to lodge in the town of Salines at the house of Signor Pelli, a Venetian merchant Reports were brought to him of the brutalities committed by Qarqa Oghlu and his men in the neighbourhood of Famagusta, who were promptly ordered to return to duty at Salines. They obeyed at once and marched over, leaving that district at peace.
The same day the Pasha invited all the consuls to an audience; they went each by himself, and he enquired from them what was the real state of the island, as though he could not trust anybody's word but theirs. His conversation with the British consul was longer than the rest, because Mr Turner had taken some part in the negotiations, and was sure to know the ideas of the insurgents, as well as those of the local government. The next day, the Pasha received in public audience : he allowed his visitors to sit, a condescension on the part of a Pasha. He then determined to move with all his own troops and those of Qarqa Oghlu towards Nicosia, to begin to give effect to the purposes of his expedition, but he could have wished that the rebels had first retired from the neighbourhood of the capital ; for though the united force numbered 2700 men, well equipped and armed, he was afraid of being forced to an engagement with 5000 desperadoes. He found no better plan than to avail himself of Mr Turner's help, and by him to send a letter into Khalil Agha's camp saying that he wished everyone to retire to his home, and then he would examine quietly the whole matter, to do what was immediately necessary and satisfy all : for he came, he insisted, to bring peace and not war, provided they complied with the reasonable conditions which he would set before them and the government. These expressions, and a panic which spread in the rebel camp, scattered most of the partisans of Khalil Agha ; who finding himself left with scarcely 200 of his most devoted
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