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Travels in the Island of Cyprus
page 67 View PDF version of this page сн. хп] The City of Fa?nagusta
which breaks the fury of the waves, and allows vessels to lie in safety. Captains choose the place to refit and careen their ships.
In Famagusta the Lusignan Kings assumed the crown of Jerusalem until the city was taken by the Genoese, when they took it, together with that of Cyprus, in the cathedral church of Nicosia. The Genoese gained possession of Famagusta in 1376, in the reign of Pierre II. His successor Jacques recognised their claim to the city and a circuit of six miles round it, and this they governed according to their own laws. In the fifteenth century, when after a siege of three years it fell into the hands of Jacques the bastard upon fair conditions of truce, one of the articles stipulated that he should still rule it by Genoese law.
About 1490, when the island came under the Venetians, Famagusta was governed by a Captain, a Venetian gentleman, who had absolute power. In the citadel were two Commandants, and in time of peace 50 soldiers, under four superior officers.
Mustafa Pasha, General for Selim, began on July 24, 1570, by sending a detachment of 500 horsemen to cut off the supplies of the city, while he himself continued the siege of Nicosia. Upon the fall of that city he sent to demand the surrender of the town and fortress of Famagusta. He was bidden come to their walls with all his army, to receive the hardy and haughty reply of the citizens. Upon this Mustafa led his forces on September 18 of the same year against Famagusta, and encamped on the west, near the village Porno d'Adamo : on the 23rd he closed round the city, and early in October began to besiege it. In April, 15 71, he drew his lines closer in, his headquarters being in the gardens just outside the town. Marc' Antonio Bragadino was Captain, and with other brave and noble gentlemen defended the place, which is the key of the realm. There were then 8000 souls within the walls, 4000 being fit to bear arms. After it had sustained with
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