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Exerpta Cypria
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Acamas 1, 2, 4
Achaeorum littus (Acte Achaion) 1, 4, 803, 318 Afrikec 442
Albanians 187, 198, 198
Ainathns 1, 5,166.208, 214, 242, 248, 289, 315, 409 Amianthus 166, 200. 203, 214, 243, 247, 282, 809, 383 Amphibia 383 Anastasio», S. 219 Andrea, Cape S. 6. 258 Anne, S. 27, 121 Anserei. Floride d' 174 Aplirodision 1
Aphrodite Acraia 1. 174, 195, 206, 257. 812 Aradippon 445 Arbutus Andrachne 885, 489 Archangelos, Mon. 446
Archbishop 18, 21, 78, 161, 168, 249. 279, 280, 349,
858-5, 868. 395. 416, 421, 428, 487, 463 Arsinoe 2, 122, 195, 818 Aspre 177, 344, 470 Auxentios, S. 212 Anzelles 80
Baglione, Astore 81, 91, 117, 118, 127, 170. 187
Balls, W. 477
Bananas 189
Baqi. • Abd'nl 863-5
Barnabas. S. 21, 165, 256
Barton, li. 476
Bate. 11. 476
Beccalichi 72. 166. 184. 200, 213, 240, 247
Bees 44. 65, 386
liekii Pasha 288. 855, 369, 416
Bella Pais 238, 289, 260, 418
Berat 470
Berengaria 6
Bernard, S. 121
Birds 825-887
Bishops IS. 18, 28, 54,285, 349, 353-8, 880, 864, 891, 894
Bondapre, M. de 304 Boyajl Oglilu. Mehmet! 851
Bragadino 117, 118, 196. 278 Brides 17
Bnffavento 8, Ml, 899-402
Calepio, Fra A. 119. 128 Calliuusa, C. 4
Calogero! (Kaloires) 208, 207, 235, 270
Camlet 22, 67
Candiotes 425, 427
Cantara 808
Capello, Carlo 79
l'arable 29
Carcar, Jean 174
Carlo Emmanuele, Dnke of Savor 461 Carols, 72, 188, 214, 247, 265 Carpasimn 1, 4, 257, 308, 816 Catherine, S. 24, 25, 85, 58, 57, 78, 256 Cats and snakes 46. 48, 172.183, 188, 207, 209, 265. 289
Cava. S. M. della (Fgta) 16
Ceraunia 4 (are Kyrenia)
Ceroide 90, 92
Chameleon 200. 211
Château frane «10
Chil Osman 356-8, 462
Chrysanthe», Abp 362, 891. 895. 896, 418
Chrysanthos. Bp 360. 891
Chryeuchon 293
Chrysostom. S. John. Mon. 237, 400 Chytroi 4
Cistus ladanifera 806
Citium 2. 4. 165. 175, 240. 279, 282, 288, 287, 818 Cleides 1, 19, 382
Climate 17, 29, 81,85,49,53, 55, 63, 67. 71, 73, 188,
199, 346, 878, 879, 448, 450 Coins 85, 86, 70, 72, 78. 177, 188, 270,271,851, 868.
Colos 265, 290, 408. 444 Comercio 190
Commerce 281, 371-8. 435, 426. 448 Comncnns. Isaac 6, 11, 816 Constantia 20, 24, 249
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