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Exerpta Cypria
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Germanus II. (1222-40), Patriarch of Constantinople. Two letters to Uie Cypriote. (Cotelerius, Mon. Eoo. Grow, π., 475, and Reinhard, ι., Beylagen, pp. 16—37.) 4to, Erlangen, 1766. Reinhard, J. F. Vollständige Geecliiclite des Königreichs Cypern. 2 vols. 4to, Erlangen, 1766 and 1768. BryenniOS, Joseph. Ίωσ!)φ Μοναχού row Bpvevviov τα άφΐθ4ντα...ήοη το πρώτον τΰποις εκδοθέντα. 2 vols. 8νο, Leipzig, 1768. Savor guano, Ascanìo. Copiosa descrizione delle cose di Cipro con le ragioni in favor, ο contra diverse opinioni, ο delle pro visioni necessarie per quel Regno. (Ex M.Sto in Reinhard'» Geschichte des Κ Cypern, vol. IL, Boylagen, pp. 38—58.) 4to, Erlangen, 1768. Difesa delle ragioni e Maestà della Ser. Repnblica di Venezia contro il libro publicato a nome de1 Savoiardi (Ex M.Sto iu Reinhardt Geschichte des Königreichs Cypern, vol. π., Beylagen, pp. 158—214.) 4to, Erlangen, 1768. Mariti, Gio. Viaggi per l'isola di Cipro, etc. 6 vols, βνο, Lucca, 1769. Reisen durch die Insel Cypera...in einem Auszog aus dem Italienischen Übersetzt von Ch. G. Hase. 8vo, Altenburg, 1777. Voyages daus l'Iale de Chy|>re. etc. 2 vols. 8vo, Neuwied and Paris, 1791. Travels through Cyprus, Syria and Palestine. 2 vols. 8vo, London, 1791. Travels in the Island of Cyprus. Translated by C. D. Cobliam. 8vo, Nicosia, 1895. -^— Del vino di Cipro, Ragionamento (dedicated to Nassau, 3rd Earl Cowper). 12mo, Florence, 1772. • Dissertazione sopra la Città di Citiuui nell' isola di Cipro. 8vo, Livorno, 1787. Viaggio do Gerusalemme por le Coste della Soria (Vide voi. n„ pp. 129—171.) 2 vols. 8vo, Livorno, 1787. D'An ville, J, B. Recherches géographiques sur l'ile de Chypre. (Ména, de l'Acad. lt. des Belles Lettres, t. xml. -ito and 12uio, t. LIX„ Paris, 1762. Compendium of ancient geography. 2 vole. 8vo, London, 1810. MacariOS, Jlisliop of Citium. Ακολουθία του αγίου 'κρομόρτυρος Ερμογένους τον θαυματουργού. 4to, Venice, 1771. ChrysanthoS, ArchbisllOp of Cypi'US. Ακολουθία τον èv 'λγίοις πατρός ημών Ήρακλίώίον, επισκόπου Ταμασίων. 4 to, Venice, 1774. 'λκολουθία τον iv Άγίαα πατρός ημών Μνάσωνος, επισκόπου Ύαμασέων. 4to, Venice, 1774. —— Άκολουθίαι τάν οσίων Αναστασίου, Χαρίτωνος, Ανξίντν*ν και KevSia. Τον Άπ. και Εύαγγ. Λουκά, τον 'Ay. Δημητριάνου Κ,υθηρης, και Κωνσταντίνου μάρτυρας. 8 TO, \ euice, 1779. Büsching, Α F. Nuova Geografia, tradotta in lingua Toscana dall' abate G. Zagemann. (Cipro, voi. xxvi. pp. 105—116.) βνο, Venice, 1777. Formaleoni, Cattoriua Regina di Cipro. Tragedia in cinque atti, in verso sciolto. 8vo, Venice, 1783. Anon. A Journal kept on a journey from Bassora to Bagdad, over the little desert, to Aleppo, Cyprus, Rhodos, etc., 1779. 8vo, Horsham, 1784. Kyprianos, Archimandrite. Ιστορία χρονολογική της νήσον Κύπρου. 4to, Venice, 1788. —• Idem. (The first book printed in Cyprus.) 4to, Larnaca, 1880; Royal βνο, Nicosia, 1902. Philo theo S, Archbishop Of Cyprus. ΣημΐιώσΜ vepi της των Κυπρίων εκκλησίας, και lnôtatt αΰτον wtpìi των προνομίων της αίτης- fret 1740. (In Kyprianos' History, pp. 870—890.) 4to, Venice, 1788. Faccioli, G. T, Vita e virtù del Β. Bartol. de' Conti di Breganse : Vescovo di Ν imo sia in Cipro. 4to, Parma, 1794. Michael, son of Chrysanthos, Abp. of Cyprus. Ακολούθα τον 'λγίου UpouAprupoç θεράποντος τοΰ θανμα-τονργον. θνο, Venice, 1801. Sonnini, 0. β. .Voyage en Greco et en Turquie. 2 vols. 8vo, Paris, An IX., 1801, London, 1801. Reise, U.B.W. übersetzt von Gli. Weyland. Berlin, 1801. Olivier, G. A. Voyage dans l'Empire Ottoman. 8 vols. 4to. Paris, 1801-07. Werner, F. L. Ζ. Die Templer anf Cypern, dramatisches Gedicht. Berlin, 1803. The Templars in Cyprus: a dramatic poem. Translated by Ε. Α. Μ. Lewis. Post βνο, London, 1886. Mayer, Luigi. Views in the Ottoman Empire, chiefly in Caramania, the islands of Rhodes and Cyp™8— with historical observations and incidental illustrations of tho manners and customs of the natives of the country. Fol., Loudon, 1803. 490 EXCERPTA CYPRIA.

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