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was discovered in the sharp angle of the hollo between the hills, exactly below the rachkooba, whe-I am now writing. It was evident to the priestl mind that an angel had placed this jar of water t denote the spot where some hidden spring might developed, which would be a favourable site for the! new monastery. They dug, and shortly discovered1 the expected source. It was therefore resolved that instead of erecting the monastery close to the effigy in the cave, where?,: bad luck had hitherto attended their efforts, it would* be more advisable to commence the building upon a favourable spot, where a level already existed, in the angle between two mountain slopes within a few yards of the spring ; it would be easier to convey the SITIE effigy to the new building than to erect the monaster close to the effigy. Accordingly the work was cor menced : the walls no longer fell during the nigl and the unseen agency was evidently propitious. Upon completion of the monastery the origina effigy was enshrined, and Trooditissa became famoi as a holy site. Years passed away, and the reputatic of the establishment was enhanced by the arrival a lady of high position from Beyrout, together witt her husband, as pilgrims to the now celebrated mountaii cave. The lady was childless, and having presente a handsome offering, and kissed the rock entrance the cave, in addition to the effigy within the monaster she waited in the neighbourhood for a certain numbe of months, at the expiration of which she gave birt to a son. The monks claimed this boy as their lawfu prize, and he was brought up as a priest ; but there\ some discrepancy in the accounts which I could nc well understand, as it appears that his parents insiste

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