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Travels in the Island of Cyprus
page 193 View PDF version of this page them for their broken faith. With never a sign of wavering he commended himself to God, and gave back his spirit to his Maker. His skin was taken and stuffed with straw, and hung on the yard of a galliot, was paraded along the coast of Syria. This is all I can tell your Serene Highness from memory of what happened while I was in the fortress. What I heard from good sources, and what I saw while I was a slave in the camp, I will set down briefly.
The Turkish host numbered 200,000 persons of every rank .and condition, of whom 80,000 were paid soldiers, besides the 14,000 Janissaries drawn from all the garrisons of Syria, Cara-mania, Anatolia and even from the Porte. The armed adventurers were 60,000, their vast numbers being due to the reports which Mustafa had spread through the Turkish territory that Famagusta was far richer than Nicosia; and as the passage was so easy they were tempted across. In the 75 days of the siege 150,000 iron balls were seen and counted. The chief personages who accompanied Mustafa were the Pasha of Aleppo, the Pasha of Anatolia, Muzaffer Pasha, of Nicosia, the Pasha of Caramania, the Agha of the Janissaries, Janpulad bey, the Sanjaq of Tripoli, the Beylerbey of Greece, the Pasha of Sivas and Marash, Ferca Framburaro, the Sanjaq of Antippo, Suleiman bey, three Sanjaqs of Arabia, Mustafa bey, General of the Adventurers, the Fergat, Lord of Malatia, the Framburaro of Divrigi. Of these were killed the Pasha of Anatolia, Mustafa, General of the Adventurers, the Sanjaq of Tripoli, Fergat, Lord of Malatia, the Framburaro of Antipo, the Framburaro of Divrigi, the Sanjaq of Arabia, and other lesser Sanjaqs, with a host of 80,000 men, according to an account taken by Mustafa's orders. They left the Framburaro who was at Rhodes as Governor of Famagusta, and it was said they proposed to leave in all the island 20,000 men, with 2000 horses, poor beasts and out of condition. I saw them myself.
It beseems me yet not to omit how by the grace of God
The Siege of Famagusta
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