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Travels in the Island of Cyprus
page 41 View PDF version of this page CHAPTER V.
TRAVELLING northwards from Larnaca to Nicosia the road leaves on the right, about a mile and a half from Larnaca, a large village, formerly called Tridato, now Livadia. The latter name was probably taken from the fields around it. On the west these were of some extent, then they became marshes, but now they are drained again and partly cultivated. It is sad to see the place so neglected; there are now hardly ten families where 50 years ago were 2000 souls, who tilled the ground and drew from it abundance of cotton. Silk too, the best in the island, was produced in large quantities. Now many of their fields lie barren; some grain is grown, little cotton, and they have neglected altogether the cultivation of the mulberry tree. There were whole groves of these which the villagers keep cutting down with impunity, and without remonstrance from the island government. There were country houses here, whither, when the island was more flourishing, the well-to-do people of Larnaca resorted for a change : the best of them left belongs to MM. Pory, of whom I have spoken before, the rest are abandoned and in ruins. There is a Greek church dedicated to San Parascevghi.
Further on the road lies Aradippo, the richest village in the neighbourhood. It has a Greek church dedicated to St Luke, and every year on the feast of the saint the Greek' Cypriots hold a large fair there. There are ruins of another and older church which was painted in fresco. The villagers here have
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