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Exerpta Cypria
page 216 View PDF version of this page according unto Strabo, foure hundred twenty seven miles, sixty miles distant from the rocky shore of Cilicia; and from the maine nf Syria an hundred: from whence it is said to have bin devided by an earthquake. Devided it was into fonie provinces, Salamina, Amatbusia, Lapethia and Paphia, so named of their principali cities. Salamina was bnilt by Tencer in memoriali of that from whence lie was banished by his father Telamou, for not revenging the death of his brother (Hnr. I Od. VIL 21.)
When Tencer fled from Sire and Salamine
Crownd with a wreath of poplar dipt in wine,
He thus his sad friend» cheares: Go we lord mates
Which way soever Fortune leades; the Fates
Are kinder than my Father : nor despair
When Tencer guides you. He whose answers are
Most sure, Apollo, in another land
Did say another Salamine should stand.
The Island being assigned to him by Belus, if Didoes relation may be beleeved (Virg. ifin. I. 61Ô.)
Tencer. exiled Greece, to Sidon came: Who a new kingdom sought by Reins' aide. My father Being then did Cyprus tame, And that rich country tribntory made.
This city was afterwards called Constantin; but destroyed by the Jewes in the dates of the Emperor Trajan, and finally by the Saracens in the reigne of Heraclius. Upon the mine thereof the famous Famagosta was erected by King Costa, as they say, the father of Saint- Katherine. Eternized by the unfortunate valour of Siguier Bragadino, who with incredible fortitude withstood the furious assaults, made by the populous army of Selimus the second, conducted by Mustafa ; and after surrendered it upon honourable conditions, infringed by the perjured and execrable Pasha, who entertaining at his tent with counterfeit kindness the principali of them, suddenly picking a quarrel, caused them all to be murdered, the Governor excepted, whom he reserved for more exquisite torments. For baring cut off his eares, and exhibited him by carrying of earth on his backe to the derision of the infidels, he finally fi eyed him alive, aud stuffing his skin with chaffe, commanded it to be hung at the maine yard of his galley. Famagosta in seated in a plain between two promontories; in forme welnigh quadrangular, whereof two parts aro washt with the sea; indifferent strong, and containing two miles in circumference. It standetb almost opposite unto Tripoly having a haven which openeth South East, the mouth thereof being straightened with two i-ocks which defend it from the weather. There was Saint Barn a by borne, there suffered martyrdoine under Nero, and there buried, to whom the Cathedral Chnrch was dedicated. This greatly ruined city is yet the strongest in the Island, the Sea te of the Sanjaq: late put into such an affright npon the approdi of the Florentine «bips, that he fully purposed, as is credibly reported, to have surrendered it upon their landing who (perhaps posest with a mutuali terroni-) forbare to attempt it. The aforesaid region nf Salamine (which lieth on the East of the Island) contained also the celebrated cities uf Aphrodisinni, Tamassus abounding with vitriul and verdigrease ; Arsinoe, Idalinin, and the neighbouring groves so chanted off: the Olympian promontory (where Venus had her Temple, into which it was lawfnll for no woman to enter) with the hill on the opposite Pedasium, square on the top like a table, and sacred unto her, as all the aforenamed. In the territory uf Lapathia comprehending the north part, where once stood 'fremitus, in the heart
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