Selected and rare materials, excerpts and observations from ancient, medieval and contemporary authors, travelers and researchers about Cyprus.
uses Google technology and indexes only and selectively internet - libraries having books with free public access


ALBRECHT PETER-JÜRGEN, † 20-09-1999, North Cyprus, a Travel Book. Havellia-Publishing, London 1994.

AMADI FRANCESCO. Chroniques d'Amadi et de Strambaldi : Chronique de Strambaldi. By Francesco Amadi, Diomède Strambaldi, René de Mas Latrie
Published by Imprimerie nationale, Ed. Paris 1891, Vol.1

AMADI FRANCESCO., Cronaca di Cipro, Arch. Makarios III Foundation, Nicosia, 1999, Italian language only, pp.534

ANDREWS A., Kings & Queens of Scotland & England - Marshall Cavendish 1986

APPLEBY JOHN T., (ed.), 1963, The chronicle of Richard of Devizes at the time of King Richard the first, Thomas Nelson and Sons, London

ARISTIDOU E.CH. Venetian Rule in Cyprus (1474-1570) Full text

BAKER, SIR SAMUEL WHITE. Cyprus, as I saw it in 1879. London, Macmillan and Co., 1879 Full text

BEKKER-NIELSEN T. The roads of ancient Cyprus., 2004 Google books. Limited preview

BALARD M. « Famaguste au debut du XVI siecle », Fortifications, portes de ville, places publiques dans le monde Mediterraneen. J.Heers ed. Paris 1985




BIDDULPH, Robert, Sir. Cyprus (Read at the Evening Meeting, November 11th, I889.) Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and monthly record of geography N 11,1889, p.705-719 Full text

BONIFACCIO- A.L.A. - VAREA ( SAVORANOLA). Engraved plan of Famagusta within text, c.1713, 176x100mm. Troop formation and their tents would indicate  the Turkish siege of 1571

BOUSTRONIOU GEORGIOU. Chronikon Kyprou/ Mediaeval Library/ Vol.II/ Venice 1873/ K.N.Satha Publications

BOUSTRONIOS GEORGE, The Chronicle of George Boustronios 1456-1489, Translated by R. M. Dawkins. Melbourne University Press, Australia, 1964

BÖTIG KLAUS, Cyprus. Merian Live.

BRASSEY A. - Sunshine and storm in the East, or cruises to Cyprus and Constantinople.  New York,  1880

BROWN, C. & CATTLING, H.W., Ancient Cyprus, Oxford 1975


CATTLING, H.W., Cyprus in the Neolithic and Bronze Age Periods, The Cambridge Ancient History No:43, Cambridge, 1996.

CESNOLA, LUIGI PALMA DI. Cyprus; its ancient cities, tombs and temples London., 1877

CESNOLA, ALEXANDER PALMA DI, Salaminia. London.,1884. Full text


COBHAM CLAUDE DELAVAL. An attempt on a bibliography of Cyprus. Nicosia, 1886

COBHAM CLAUDE DELAVAL. Excerpta Cypria: Materials for a History of Cyprus. Cambridge, 1908 Full text

COOK, B.F., Cypriot Art in the British Museum, London, 1979.

COUREAS NICHOLAS, The Latin Church in Cyprus, 1195-1312 (Aldershot: Ashgate, 1997)

COUREAS N. AND RILEY-SMITH J., Eds., Cyprus and the Crusaders, Papers given at the International Conference

CRAWFORD PAUL. The "Templar of Tyre": Part III of the "Deeds of the Cypriots" Google books. Limited preview
Book overview
The so-called 'Templar of Tyre' is the third and longest section of an important 14th-century chronicle known as the Gestes des Chiprois. Written by a Cypriot knight who served the Templar Master William of Beaujeu as an Arabic translator and a member of his immediate retinue, the 'Templar of Tyre' provides precious contemporary insights, often drawn from the author's personal experience, into events beginning in the early 1230s and ending in 1309 in the East and 1314 in the West. Notably, it covers the last days of the mainland Crusader states and the fall of Acre in 1291 (providing our only eyewitness chronicle of this disaster), as well as providing information on the period following 1291.The author also reports various events in the West, including the wars of the Hohenstaufen in Italy, the rise and fall of Simon de Montfort in England, the trial and dissolution of the Templars in France, and the interminable wars of Genoa and Venice across the Mediterranean.This is the first complete translation of the 'Templar of Tyre' into English.

CYPRUS: Historical and Descriptive. From the earliest times to the present day. New York, 1878
fragment 1  fragment 2  fragment 3  fragment 4


DE MAS LATRIE,LOUIS. L'ile de Chypre., 1879

DE MAS LATRIE,LOUIS. Documents nouveaux, servant de preuves a l'histoire de Chypre., 1882

DE MAS LATRIE,LOUIS. Histoire de l'île de Chypre sous le règne des princes de la maison de Lusignan. Académie des inscriptions & belles-lettres (France) Published by Imprimerie impériale, 1861

DE MAS LATRIE,LOUIS. Nouvelles preuves de l'histoire de Chypre sous le règne des princes de la maison de Lusignan. Published by J. Baur et Détaille, 1873

DE MAS LATRIE,LOUIS.Fragments d'histoire de Chypre ...
Published by Didot, 1855

DE MAS LATRIE,LOUIS. Généalogie des rois de Chypre de la famille de Lusignou. Published by , 1881

DE MAS LATRIE,LOUIS.Notice sur la construction d'une carte de l'lle de Chypre. Published by Typographie de A. Lainé et H. Havard, 1862


DIKAIOS P. Khirokitia

DUBIN, MARC . The Rough Guide to Cyprus.,New-York-London-Delhi, 2005.

DOELL, Die Sammlung Cesnola (СПб., 1873)

DREGHORN W. The Antiquities of Turkish Nicosia

DREGHORN W. Famagusta & Salamis. A Guide Book

EDBURY PETER W. The Military Orders in Cyprus in the Light of Recent Scholarship, Cardiff University, Wales, United Kingdom

EDBURY PETER W., The Kingdom of Cyprus and the Crusades, 1191-1375 Published by Cambridge University Press 1991
Book overview
The island of Cyprus was conquered from its Byzantine ruler by Richard I of England in 1191 during the Third Crusade, and remained under western rule until the Ottoman conquest of 1570-1. From the 1190s until the 1470s the island was a kingdom governed by the members of the Lusignan family. The Lusignans, who hailed from Poitou in western France, imposed a new European landowning class and a Catholic ecclesiastical hierarchy upon the indigenous Greek population. Nevertheless, their regime provided long periods of political stability and, until the late fourteenth century, a considerable period of prosperity. In the thirteenth century the island was closely linked to the Latin states in Syria and the Holy Land by political, social and economic ties and, with the fall of the last Christian strongholds to the Muslims in 1291, it became the most easterly outpost of Latin Christendom in the Mediterranean. This new study, which is based on original research, traces the fortunes of Cyprus under its royal dynasty and its role in the Crusades and in the confrontation of Christian and Muslim in the Near East until the 1370s. It is both a major contribution to the history of the Crusades in the Levant and the only scholarly study of medieval Cyprus currently available.

ELIAS OF PESARO. fron the Revue de Geographie, 8vo, Paris, September, 1879.(Hebrew texst of a letter, 1563)

ELLIS TRISTRAM JAMES - Thirteen Etchings of the  views & places of interest in Cyprus. London, 1879

ETIENNE DE LUSIGNAN, Chorograffia, Bologna, 1573


FAROCHON P.A. – Chypre et Lepante.  Paris, 1894


FISHER RED H. - Cyprus. Our New Colony and what we know about it. London,  1878

FOGLIETTA U., The Sieges of Nicosia and Famagusta. London: Waterlow, 1903.

FRA. NOE (1500)


GEOFFREY DE VINSAUF. Itinerary of Richard I and others to the Holy LandChapter XXX - XL. Richard the Lion-Hearted Conquers Cyprus. 1191 Full text

GESLIN, L'Art Cypriote ("Musee archeologique", 1879; "Gazette archeologique" (III, p. 117; IV, p. 198)

GIBLET HENRICO - Historie de Re Lusignani. Bologna, 1647

GILMOUR-BRYSON Anne, The Trial of the Templars in Cyprus. A complete English edition (Leiden: Brill, 1998).

GIOVANNI MARITI. Travels in the Island of Cyprus. Translated from the Italian by Claude Delaval Cobham, C.M.G., Cambridge: at the University Press, 1909 Full text

GITIN S., MAZAR A., STERN E., (eds.), Mediterranean peoples in transition, thirteenth to early 10th century BC., Jerusalem, Israel exploration Society 1998., Late Bronze Age and transition to the Iron Age

GOULDING, John and Margaret., Northern Cyprus, London, 1988

GRAZIANI ANTONIO MARIA - The history of the War of Cyprus. London, 1687


HACKETT J. History of  the Orthodox Church of  Cyprus. London, 1901

HANWORTH, Rosamond., Historical Heritage of North Cyprus, Lefkosa, 1993.

HERQUET, Cyprische Konigsgestalten des Hauses Lusignan., 1881

HILL, George., History of Cyprus, Oxford, 1948-1952

HOLWERDA, Die alten Kyprier in Kunst und Kultus.,1885



JEFFERY George, A Description of the Historic Monuments of Cyprus: Studies in the Archaeology and Architecture of the Island, Nicosia 1918 and London 1983. Zeno Publishers

JOHN LOCKE. from Richard Hakluyt. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, fnd Discoveries of the English Nation, fol., London, 1599, vol.11, pp. 102-110. The Voyage of M.John Locke to Jerusalem (1553)


KARAGEORGHIS, V., Cyprus, (Archaeologia Mundi), Geneva, 1968.

KARAGEORGHIS, V., The Cesnola Collection: Terracottas (Metropolitan Museum of Art Publications). CD-ROM.,  Publisher: Yale University Press; Cdr edition (14 Sep 2004)

KEHAGIOGLOU Georghios, Ed., The Chronicle of Cyprus of Georghios Voustronios, The Cyprus Research Centre, Nicosia, 1997

KITCHENER, Trigonometrical survey of the island of Cyprus. London, 1885

LEONTIOS MAKHAIROS, Recital Concerning the Sweet Land of Cyprus, ed. and trans. R. M. Dawkins, (Oxford: 1932)

LОЕHER, Reiseberichte uber Natur und Landschaft, Volk und Geschichte ,1879

LOLLING, Hellenische Landeskunde und Topographie, 1887 ("Handbuch der Klassischen Altertumswissenschaft", т. Ill)

LUDOLF VON SUCHEN De Terra Sancta, 1336
fragment 1  fragment 2

LUDWIG SALVATOR, (Archduke of Austria). Levkosia die Haupstadt von Cypern. Prague, 1873

MAKHAIRAS, LEONTIOS. Recital concerning the Sweet Land of Cyprus. Entitled Chronicle. Ed. N. M. Dawkins. I-II. Ox. 1936

MALLOCK  W. H. In an enchanted Island., London, 1889
fragment 1

MALLOY Alex G.; PRENSTON, Irene Fraley; and SELTMAN, A. J.  Coins of the Crusader States, 1098-1291: including the Kingdom of Jerusalem and its vassal states of Syria and Palestine, the Lusignan Kingdom of Cyprus (1192-1489), and the Latin Empire of Constantinople and its vassal states of Greece and the archipelago.  Ed. Allen Berman.  New York: Attic Books, 1994.

MANGO, CYRIL, "Chypre carrefour du monde byzantine", Actes due XVe Congres international d'etudes byzantines, vol. 5, (Athens: 1976)


MEAIER, F.G., and KARAGEORGHIS, V., Paphos, history and Archaeology, Nicosia, 1984.

MONELLO G. "Accadde a Famagosta, l'assedio turco ad una fortezza veneziana ed il suo sconvolgente finale", Cagliari, Scepsi e Mattana, 2006.

MORRIS, Desmond., The Art of Ancient Cyprus, London, 1985.


MUHLY J. D., The role of the Sea People in Cyprus during the LCIII period. In: V. Karageorghis/J. D. Muhly (eds), Cyprus at the close of the Bronze Age., Nicosia 1984, 39-55. End of Bronze Age


NEWMAN, PHILIP., A Guide to Cyprus., London, 1948

NICOLAI DE MARTHONO (1394) Notarti Liber Peregrinationis ad Loca Sancta fragment 1

NIKOLAOU-KONNARĒ A., SCHABEL C. D. Cyprus: society and culture 1191-1374., 2005 Google books. Limited preview
Book overview
This volume is the only scholarly work in English examining the multicultural society of the Lusignan Kingdom of Cyprus during the first two centuries of Frankish rule following the conquest of the Byzantine island during the Third Crusade.In this global synthesis based on original research, often in manuscripts, six chapters by acknowledged experts treat the main ethnic groups - Greeks and Franks - and the economy, religion, literature, and art of a frontier society between Byzantium, the papacy, the Crusader States, and the Islamic world.Cyprus, also home to Armenians, Syrians (Maronites, Melkites, Jacobites, Nestorians), Jews, Muslims, and others, offers an excellent opportunity to study the fascinating issues of identity construction, acculturation, and assimilation in a ethnically and religiously diverse society.

NICOLAU KYRIAKOS. The historical topography of Kition. Studies in Mediterranean archaeology, v. 43. Göteborg: P. Aström, 1976


NOMPAR II, Seigneur DE CAUMONT (1418)

OHNEFALSCH-RICHER, Cyprische Reisestudien ("Unsere Zeit", 1880., 1)

ORIENT d’OGIER VIII, Seigneur D'ANGLURE (1395)  

ORPHANIDES ANDREAS G. Bronze Age Anthropomorphic Figurines in the Cesnola Collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Publisher: Paul Forlag Astroms (June 1983)   

PARKER, ROBIN., Aphrodite's Realm. An Illustrated Guide and Handbook to Cyprus., Nicosia

PARTHOG Gwynneth der, Byzantine and Medieval Cyprus, A Guide to the Monuments, Interworld Publications, London, 1995

PELTENBURG, E., (Ed.), Early Society in Cyprus, London, 1989.


PERROT ET CHIPIEZ, Histoire de l'art dans l'antiquite (t. 31, "Phenicie, Chypre",1885)



PURCELL H.D., Cyprus, (New York: Preager, 1969)

RICHARD of DEVIZES. Chronicle of the deeds of Richard I Full text

SCHABEL CHRIS. Etienne de Lusignan’s Chorograffia and the Ecclesiastical History of Frankish Cyprus. University of Cyprus

SAKELLARIOS, Ta Kupriaka. Athene, 1890 - 91

SASSENAY, Chypre, histoire et geographie, 1878

SMITH, AGNES. Through Cyprus. London., 1887

STARK, Systematik und Geschichte der Archeologie der Kunst., 1880, pp. 346- 347

STERNINI MARA. La collezione di antichità di Alessandro Palma di Cesnola. Santo Spirito, 1998. (Biblioteca Archaeologica. Collana diretta da Giuliano Volpe. 6).

STRABO. Geographica (23)
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STRAND, Wilson E., Voices of Stone: The History of Ancient Cyprus, Cyprus, 1974

STYLIANOU, Andreas, and STYLIANOU, Judith A., The History of the Cartography of Cyprus, Nicosia, 1980.

SWINY Stuart , Earliest Prehistory of Cyprus. American School of Oriental Research, 2001 TATTON-BROWN, Veronica., Ancient Cyprus, (British Museum), London, 1987.

WALSH MICHAEL J. K. Martyrs and Mariners: Some Surviving Art in the Church of Saints Peter and Paul, Famagusta, Northern Cyprus.Journal: Mediterranean Studies, Volume 15, 2006, pp 21-41

WEBB M., D. FRANKEL D., Characterising the Philia facies. Material culture, chronology and the origins of the Bronze age in Cyprus. American Journal of archaeology 103, 1999, 3-43.




WRIGHT, C. R., Ancient Building in Cyprus, 2 Vols., London, 1992.

YILDIZ, Netice.,"Turkish Culture Within the Context of the Cypriot Cultural Heritage", Proceedings of the First International Congress on Cypriot Studies, Gazimagosa 20-23 November '96, Eastern Mediterranean University, 1997.

YOUR GUIDE TO CYPRUS., Nicosia, 1963.

ZACCHERIA LILIO VICENTIO. Breve descritione del mondo, di Zaccheria Lilio Vicento, tradotta per M. Francesco Baldelli (1551)